The C4C program is a partnership between CTST and Health Consumers Tasmania through Huon Valley Voice for Health that aims to assist individuals who do not qualify for subsidised transportation by providing increased access to the CTST fleet for the community. To be eligible, applicants must reside in the Huon Valley municipality and be at least 18 years of age.
Registration for C4C is a straightforward process; simply use the 'register here' button below to complete our online form. All information collected will be protected in accordance with the CTST privacy policy, which you can review here.
If you already qualify for any other transport services offered by CTST, please note that separate registration will be required (see below) and you can utilize C4C while you complete that registration process.
Health Consumers Tasmania through Better Health 4 Dorset (BH4D) partnered with CTST to purchase a vehicle and fund a driver that provides an alternative transport service for residents of the Dorset Municipality. The Dorset Connector initiative seeks to meet the needs of the Dorset local community through access to a safe, well-governed and reliable transport solution that is cost effective for passengers.
The Dorset Connector includes access for individuals who do not qualify for transportation services under the current Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) and Home and Community Care (HACC), National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) or other available funded programs. For more information on how to access those programs, see below.
An additional vehicle and driver are on the road to provide door-to-door community transport in the Huon Valley, powered by a five-year grant from Bendigo Community Bank in the Huon Valley. The partnership helps address the growing demand for community transport in the Huon so that eligible residents can live independently and stay connected in their community for longer.
The partnership helps address the growing demand for community transport in the Huon so that eligible residents can live independently and stay connected in their community for longer. If you live in the Huon Valley and you are aged 65 years and over (or 50 years and over for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders), you can request transport assistance through My Aged Care on 1800 200 422.
For residents aged under 65 years (under 50 for Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islanders) living with a disability or condition preventing you from undertaking daily activities, please contact the Tasmanian Community Care Referral Service. Once transport assistance is approved, call CTST on 1800 781 033 to register. More information can be found at