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Share your feedback with us.

At CTST we genuinely welcome your feedback, whether it’s a compliment, suggestion, or a complaint. We want you to feel encouraged and supported to provide us with feedback so we can improve our service to you.

Why your feedback is important to us

CTST is committed to delivering a high-quality service to you. Feedback informs our service delivery. It can affirm to us what we are doing well. It can also be a source of ideas for learning and improving the quality, safety, and delivery of our services.

How you can provide feedback

You can provide us with feedback in the following ways:

What to tell us

Details are important.

Please provide us with specific information about our services, facilities, or any other aspect of CTST. This will help us follow up on your feedback.
When handling your complaint, we will:
A man in the CTST office on the phone with a client.
Elderly lady smiling into the distance

The feedback process

Our feedback process follows the recommendations of the Aged Care Quality Standards. We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within one business day (24 hours). We will call you or your representative to clarify the concerns and issues and ask how you would like the complaint resolved. If we cannot resolve the complaint during the phone call, we will advise you of the expected timeframe. We will investigate and gather information to identify an appropriate solution. 

Responses to feedback are objective, ethical, effective, and unbiased. Our aim is to achieve a satisfactory and prompt resolution.

If you are not happy with the resolution

In the unlikely event that a matter cannot be resolved with CTST, you can seek assistance from Advocacy Tasmania who offer a free and confidential advocacy support service. You can also seek assistance from the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission.

Useful resources

The following resources are available if you need support to make a complaint with us.
Advocacy Tasmania

Free and confidential advocacy support is available via phone 1800 005 131

Translation and interpreting services

If you need an interpreter, ask us to arrange one when you contact us or phone TIS on 131 450 and ask them to help you contact CTST on 1800 781 033.

National Relay Service

If you have a hearing or speech impairment, you can contact us through the National Relation Service.
Get in touch with our friendly support team.
For general enquiries, information about services, or for any other queries please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our friendly support team.